About Me

I'm Kelsey. I'm planning on going into an architectural or materials engineering career. I have two incredibly funny puppies and I love watching movies.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections on Week #1

  1. The only potential problem would be my schedule. I have a tendency to bite off a bit more than I can chew and refuse to admit it. This year I have my 4 Righetti classes (Physics, AP Econ, AP Calc, AP Eng) then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I also have a class at Hancock from 1-4pm. And all usually four nights a week I have work. I'm also playing rec soccer which includes two 1-hour practices a week and a game on Friday. And I do reporting for the school's football team.
  2. My third grade teacher had us stand on our chairs to learn these songs to help us with our multiplication tables and on open house nights we got to stand on our desks and I just remember thinking he was so cool because we were standing on the furniture at school and we always get in trouble for that. It kind of makes me think of Open-Source in that all our lives we're taught that kid + internet at school = horrible and now it's not only allowed but encouraged.
  3. I have no idea. And I know that sounds strange, or even bad. But it's partly because I don't know how to put it into words and partly because even if I could I don't think I'd be able to accurately articulate it. I just know that this class is going to be awesome and helpful and wonderful.

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